iPhone Shipments Down By 50% in India Because of High Prices

iPhone shipments in India fell by as much as 50 percent in 2018, largely on account of their inordinately high prices. According to an ET report, shipments fell from 3.2 million in 2017 to just 1.6 million last year.
The fall in shipments, however, was predicted by multiple analytics firms, including CyberMedia Research and Counterpoint Technology. However, while the latter got it almost spot-on, projecting shipments of 1.6-1.7 million units, the latter still expected it to be a bit higher at around 2 million.
Meanwhile, according to Counterpoint, OnePlus shipped 500,000 smartphones during Q4, 2018, while Apple managed to move only 400,000 iPhone units during the same period.
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