Noah Glass: Twitter's Forgotten Founder

How Twitter's proprietors and top officials state Twitter was established is not the same as how Twitter was really established.

Primarily, the official adaptation forgets about the job of a significant fellow benefactor. Some early Twitter financial specialists likewise wonder in the event that it additionally forgets about an outrage.

Twitter is presently worth more than $5 billion — and moving toward $10 billion on optional markets — so it merits sorting the story out.

The official recounting Twitter's establishing goes this way:

Ex-Googler Evan Williams had a startup called Odeo. It would have been a podcasting stage. Evan asked his companion, another ex-Googler named Biz Stone, to go along with him. At the point when Apple propelled iTunes podcasting, and made Odeo's podcasting stage immaterial, Evan and Biz and an Odeo worker named Jack Dorsey chose to make something many refer to as Twitter. Odeo's speculators didn't care for Twitter, and Evan did them a colossal kindness by repurchasing all their stock and making them entirety.

As per interviews with around twelve early financial specialists and representatives, the tale of how Twitter was really established starts with a business person named Noah Glass, who began Odeo in his condo.

The story starts around six years prior ...

"Noah had a product where you call a phone number and it would turn your message into an MP3 hosted on the Internet. That was the technology that Noah brought that turned into Odeo," says early employee Ray McClure.

Alongside Charles River Ventures and around twelve others, probably the soonest financial specialist in Odeo was a previous Google representative named Evan Williams. Williams was more associated with Odeo than most speculators are with new businesses in their portfolios, and in the end, Odeo moved from Noah's loft to Williams'. Williams, who had as of late sold an organization called Blogger to Google, had quite recently purchased a decent house and needed to effectively utilize his old loft.

"I think it was something Ev was keen on, yet it was for the most part Noah's thing," says McClure.

"Around then, it would have been me, Evan [Henshwaw-Plath, better referred to by companions as "Rabble,"] and Rabble's significant other Gabba. Generally it was the four of us working out of the condo."

Next, Odeo moved into an office and began recruiting more workers — including a calm, hit or miss, Web fashioner named Jack Dorsey and an architect named Blaine Cook. Evan Williams turned into Odeo's CEO.

By July 2005, Odeo had an item: a stage for podcasting.

Be that as it may, at that point, in the fall of 2005, "the poo hit the fan," says George Zachary, the Charles River Ventures accomplice who drove the company's interest in Odeo.

That was when Apple originally declared iTunes would incorporate a podcasting stage incorporated with all of the 200 million iPods Apple would in the end sell. Around a similar time, Odeo representatives, from Glass and Williams on down, started to understand that they weren't tuning in to digital recordings as much as they suspected they would be.

Says Cook: "We manufactured [Odeo], we tried it a great deal, yet we never utilized it."

Out of nowhere, says Zachary, "the organization was going sideways."

By this point, Odeo had 14 individuals working all day — including now-CEO Evan Williams and a companion of his from Google, Christopher "Business" Stone.
Williams chose Odeo's future was not in podcasting, and soon thereafter, he advised the organization's workers to fire thinking of thoughts for another heading Odeo could go. The organization began holding official "hackathons" where representatives would go through an entire day taking a shot at ventures. They severed into gatherings.

Odeo prime supporter Noah Glass inclined toward Jack Dorsey, whom Glass says was "one of the stars of the organization." Jack had a thought for a totally unique item that rotated around "status" — what individuals were doing at a given time.

"I got the impression he was discontent with what he was really going after — a ton of cleanup take a shot at Odeo."

"He began conversing with me about this thought of status and how he was truly inspired by status," Glass says. "I was attempting to make sense of what it was he discovered convincing about it."

"There was a second when I was sitting with Jack and I stated, 'Gracious, I do perceive how this could truly meet up to make something truly convincing.' We were perched on Mission St. in the vehicle in the downpour. We were going out and I was dropping him off and having this discussion. Everything fit together for me."

One day in February 2006, Glass, Dorsey, and a German agreement designer Florian Weber, introduced Jack's plan to the remainder of the organization. It was where you could send a book to one number and it would be communicated out to the entirety of your companions: Twttr.

Noah Glass says it was he who thought of the name "Twttr." "I invested a lot of energy contemplating it," he says. Inevitably, the name would become Twitter.

After that February introduction to the organization, Evan Williams was distrustful of Twitter's latent capacity, however he put Glass responsible for the undertaking. Every once in a while, Biz Stone assisted Glass' Twitter group.

What's more, it truly was Glass' group, coincidentally. Not Jack Dorsey's.

Everybody concurs that unique notion for Twitter sprang from Jack Dorsey's brain. Dorsey even has drawings of something that resembles Twitter that he made a very long time before he joined Odeo. What's more, Jack was clearly vital to the Twitter group.

In any case, the entirety of the early workers and Odeo speculators we conversed with additionally concur that nobody at Odeo was increasingly enthusiastic about Twitter in the good 'ol days than Odeo's prime supporter, Noah Glass.

"It was transcendently Noah who pushed for the task to be begun," says Blaine Cook, who portrays Glass as Twitter's "otherworldly pioneer."

"He unquestionably had a dream for what it was," says Ray McClure.

"There were two individuals who were truly energized [about Twitter,]" agrees Odeo speculator George Zachary. "Jack and Noah Glass. Noah was fanatically amped up for Twitter. Fanatically! Evan and Biz weren't at that level. Not remotely."

Zachary says Glass outlined for him, "You know what's magnificent about this thing? It causes you to feel like you're directly with that individual. It's an entire passionate effect. You sense that you're associated with that individual."

At a certain point the whole early Twitter administration was running on Glass' PC. "An IBM Thinkpad," Glass says, "Utilizing a Verizon remote card."

"It was in that spot around my work area. I could simply get it and take it anyplace on the planet. That was an extremely fun time."

Glass demands that he isn't Twitter's sole originator or anything like it. Yet, he feels sold out that his job has essentially been erased from Twitter history. He says Florian Weber doesn't get enough credit, either.

"A few people have gotten credit, a few people haven't. Actually, it was a collective endeavor. I didn't make Twitter all alone. It came out of discussions."

"I do realize that without me, Twitter wouldn't exist. In a gigantic manner."

By March of 2006, Odeo had a working Twitter model. In July, TechCrunch secured Twttr just because. That equivalent summer, Odeo workers fixated on Twitter were piling on month to month SMS bills totaling several dollars. The organization consented to take care of those tabs for the representatives. In August, a little seismic tremor shook San Francisco and word immediately spread through Twitter — an early 'ah-ha!' second for clients and friends watchers the same. By that fall, Twitter had a great many clients.

By this point, engineer Blaine Cook says it started to feel like there were "two organizations" at Odeo — the one "Noah and Florian and Jack and Biz were taking a shot at" (Twitter) and Odeo. Twitter, says Ray McClure, "was certainly the thing you needed to be chipping away at."


At an executive gathering for Odeo that mid year, Noah Glass introduced Twitter to Odeo's chiefs. They barely flickered at it.

At that point, one day in September 2006, Odeo's CEO Evan Williams composed a letter to Odeo's financial specialists. In it, Williams revealed to them that the organization was going no place, that he felt terrible about that, and that he might want to repurchase their offers so they wouldn't assume a misfortune.

In his letter to Odeo's financial specialists, Williams composed this about Twitter:

Incidentally, Twitter (, which you may have found out about, is one of the bits of significant worth that I see in Odeo, however it's excessively right on time to determine what's there. Very nearly two months after dispatch, Twitter has under 5,000 enlisted clients. I will keep on putting resources into Twitter, yet it's difficult to state it legitimizes the endeavor venture Odeo positively holds - particularly since that speculation was for an alternate market out and out.

Evan proposed repurchasing Odeo speculators' stock, and, in the long run, the financial specialists consented to the buyback. So Evan purchased the organization — and Twitter. The sum he paid has never been accounted for. Numerous financial specialists, who had consolidated to put $5 million into Odeo, state Evan made them entirety.

After five years, resources of the organization the first Odeo financial specialists sold for roughly $5 million are presently worth at any rate 1000x more: $5 billion.

How do those speculators feel now?

We addressed the majority of them, and when all is said in done, the appropriate response is that most feel settled now — if just at this point. Some are thoughtful. Others are harmed. Addressing a couple of, you can identify a doubt that they were some way or another conned by Williams.

Most reverberated the assumptions of James Hong, the prime supporter of and an Odeo heavenly attendant speculator. Hong let us know, "Clearly, I wish what happened hadn't occurred. There was a dim period where I would not like to catch wind of Twitter."

A large number of the Odeo financial specialists despite everything value Williams' signal.

"At that point, it was generally welcomed as a charitable demonstration," says one individual speculator, Don Hutchinson. "Frequently when you're putting resources into beginning time organizations you end up with a dead misfortune."

A couple of wish that Williams had been increasingly forthright about what he was intending to do straightaway, as they would have wanted to re-put resources into Twitter.

"I wish he had connected with me," says Mitch Kapor, still a functioning and fruitful financial specialist in the Valley. "I figure he could have, yet didn't. Also, I'd state it's kind of a mutual obligation."

A portion of the speculators who sold Odeo and Twitter to Evan Williams for two or three million dollars wonder about his aims at that point.

Had Evan fooled them into intuition Twitter wasn't worth a lot, when he definitely realized it would be a gold mine?

One financial specialist asked: "Could Evan have realized this would be the world's best thing ever and shrouded it while re-promoting the organization?"

"On the off chance that there's ever any hostile stuff noticeable all around," says this speculator, "it will be: How much did Evan think about the client commitment and quantities of Twitter at the hour of getting it out?

Most likely the main explanation anybody fondles open to bringing those sorts of inquiries is that Evan Williams has gained notoriety for being discreetly canny. Loads of Odeo financial specialists and representatives utilized "computing" to portray him.

Likewise, individuals have made solid allegations against Williams previously.

A New York Times profile from the previous fall reemerged old charges that Williams neglected to appropriately repay Blogger representatives when he offered that organization to Google in 2003.

His Blogger prime supporter, Meg Hourihan, is accounted for in the story to have stated, "I don't think he dealt with the individuals who got him to where he was." The Times likewise revealed that "Mr. Williams says that all fruitful businessmen make foes en route."

Truly we'll most likely never truly know whether Williams really thought he had the following huge thing when he minimized Twitter to financial specialists.

From one viewpoint, by ahead of schedule as the mid year of 2006, there was at that point a lot of proof that a few clients discovered Twitter outlandishly addictive. Evan Henshaw-Plath says he recollects that one Odeo worker piling on a $400 SMS bill. Such a significant number of clients sent such a significant number of writings that Odeo in the end consented to take care of worker messaging tabs. Noah Glass says that, right off the bat, versatile bearers revealed to him they'd never observed so much SMS action than they did with Twitter.

One early Odeo worker, who favored not to be named, says "Ev concluded there was something fascinating enough with regards to Twitter that he needed to purchase all the advantages and purchase everybody out."

Then again, Twitter extremely just had a couple thousand clients at the time Evan got it and the remainder of Odeo once again from financial specialists. Blaine Cook revealed to us that there was a gathering throughout the late spring of 2006 about whether to simply kill the entire thing. Everybody concurs it wasn't clear that Twitter would a colossal hit until a half year later, in the spring of 2007, when it assumed control over the SXSW Interactive gathering in Austin, Texas.

It's significant that months subsequent to purchasing Odeo once again from its speculators, Evan Williams offered a chosen few of them an opportunity to get tied up with Twitter at an a $25 million valuation.

Tim O'Reilly, an Odeo financial specialist who likewise who runs O'Reilly Media and its celebrated Web 2.0 gatherings, mirrors: "It's surely conceivable that Ev is more Machiavellian than he shows up. I don't have the foggiest idea. I fully trust it that he was doing what he thought was ideal."

"It's anything but difficult to think back and state, 'Amazing, I'd prefer to have a greater bit of that.' It's exceptionally simple to state that."

In any case, Odeo's speculators consented to let Williams get them out.

Source: Businessinsider
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