Huawei has launched the Y7 Pro (2019) in Vietnam. The device is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 450, and features a 6.26-inch LCD panel with HD+ pixel resolution and a 19:9 aspect ratio. As can be seen in the images, it also has a minimalist teardrop notch that houses the selfie-cam upfront.
The phone comes with 3GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage with support for microSD card. It sports a rear-facing dual-camera setup (13MP+2MP) with a 16MP a front-facing selfie-cam. The device lacks a fingerprint scanner, but offers an impressive-sounding 4,000mAh battery.
It is currently up for pre-order for 3,990,000 Vietnamese dongs (around Rs. 11,900), and will start shipping from January 5 in Blue and Black color options, with early birds even getting a Bluetooth speaker as a gift.