Samsung has slashed the prices of some of its premium mid-range smartphones in India. As reported by Mint, prices of the Galaxy A7 (2018) and Galaxy A9 (2018) smartphones are now down significantly on both Amazon and Flipkart. Samsung also reduced the price of its Galaxy J6 by Rs. 1,000 last week.
The Galaxy A7 (2018) with 4GB RAM and 64GB storage is nopriced at Rs. 18,990, down from Rs. 23,990. The 6GB RAM plus 128GB storage variant is listed at Rs. 22,990, which is a price cut of Rs 6,000.
As for the Galaxy A9 (2018), its 6GB/128GB base model now retails for Rs. 33,990, while the 8GB/128GB variant is now available for Rs. 36,990. Both prices are lower by Rs. 3,000.